Thursday, December 2, 2021

January 12 2022: Stage Struck by Simon Gray


Happy New Year!

Whether we will meet up again in January very much depends on how the spread of Covid is progressing and how the group feels about risking the spread of the infection.

And so I have chosen a play that we can easily do on Zoom, as it's only 4 characters, or in a smaller group.

Stage Struck 

In his younger days Robert Simon was a first-rate stage-manager in provincial rep.  Now he keeps house for his West End actress wife, while amusing himself with a number of sexual adventures: he is a happy man.  But then one evening, through the clumsy intervention of a psychiatrist, his happiness and his marriage are destroyed.  He plans a hideous revenge, on both his wife and the psychiatrist, that will allow him to rediscover all his old talents.

Written in 1979 this might seem a little dated now, but there are lots of twists in the plot which I think will keep us surprised!

December 1: Life and Beth

 Unfortunately there weren't enough of us at Kyung Sook's in November to read The Father, so we will revisit that excellent play another time.

And in December we were again a small group to read Life and Beth, a play we had read in December 2019 but which was well received a second time.  

It was great to be able to meet up and share mince pies and mulled wine, let's hope being together will be permitted still in 2022!

Wishing you all the very best for Christmas and for the coming year.
