We replaced our monthly meeting with a Zoom meeting. I have now set up some two weekly Zoom play readings, during which we'll start off by working our way through Alan Ayckbourn's Norman Conquests.
I hope that you will enjoy them!
I hope that you will enjoy them!
15 April: Table Manners
29 April: Living Together
13 May: Round & Round the Garden
27 May: Abigail's Party
10 June: Deathtrap
24 June: The Audience
8 July: Rookery Nook
27 May: Abigail's Party
10 June: Deathtrap
24 June: The Audience
8 July: Rookery Nook
19 August: Three Short Plays from one-act-plays.com
- Chocolate Affair
- 10,000 Cigarettes
- The Angel Intrudes
2 September: Single Spies
7 October: Plunder, Ben Travers
11 November: Murder at the Empress (https://proplay.ws/comedies/)
12 December: A Only Fools and Horses script and a couple of silly short skits!
I'll email details to you as and when!