I think that after our reading last month our run on Ibsen has come to an inglorious end! Although reportedly his most favoured play, The Master Builder was not such a hit with our group!
This month we have a classic American play by Edward Albee. Albee's Three Tall Women was my directorial debut and it remains a favourite.
Before saying something (via Wikipedia) about this month's play I'd like to say ...
to Kyung-Sook for offering to host as I am unable to. I am sure that she, and you, will discover just how much fun I have welcoming you!
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
Famous as a film starring Richard Burton and Elizabeth
Taylor, this play was first staged in 1962. It examines the complexities
of the marriage of a middle-aged couple, Martha and George. Late one evening,
after a university faculty party, they receive an unwitting younger couple,
Nick and Honey, as guests, and draw them into their bitter and frustrated